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How Your Customer Care Processes Could Be Holding Back Your Sales Team

f your customer care is inefficient or difficult to access, guess who the customer is going to call with their issues? That’s right—their salesperson…

The Hidden Cost of Poor Sales Systems: How Strategy Starts with Your CRM and Commission Plan

We often think of salespeople as charismatic, driven, and incredibly sharp. And they are. But they’re also very good at playing the game — whatever that game may be, depending on how your sales organization is set up.
Here’s the problem: The game isn’t always about getting customers…

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset Within Sales Teams – causes and solutions

I used to feel like I was losing every time a colleague landed a sale and I didn’t. It’s not that I was a bad salesperson—just not the best.
This feeling of loss made me…

Building a High-Performing Sales Team: What Roles You Need and Why They Matter

In today’s competitive business landscape, having a well-structured sales team isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. As businesses strive to grow, the need…

Email management after holidays – 5 tips

Holiday season is upon us, and after holidays, coming back to work season. I have thought recently about the dreadful moment of opening my mailbox and sifting through hundreds of emails on my first day after holidays, and how it is never as bad as it first look....

Your KPIs are a game – and you’re invited to play

There may be many ways for your employer to decide if you are a good hire or not. You may always be first in the office, you may never take a day off, you may be taking all of the overtimes, or you may just walk the office hallways really fast. There are also less...

Your vocabulary matters – and I don’t mean curse words

Every company that I worked in had their own specific language. Most of the concepts we use at work are used in different places, but can vary in names. Sometimes it depends on the country of origin, sometimes on the education of founders. Often the vocabulary is...